jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

1993 World Series Memories

"Word is bond"
"You got my back, I got your back"

Call it Bro-mance, I like to call it Cro-MagsNCE -between us boys, our brotherhood, we love Cro-Mags.

I hated so much that 1993 World Series: Toronto Blue Jays & Philadelphia Phillies. At home all the money was on Phillies and I was against that, don't know why 'cause wasn't Toronto's fan, I only remember I hated big time John Kruk, everytime I saw him waiting to hit the ball I was mad angry, that fucking mullet guy gonna send the ball out, fuck him; I said that and other blasphemies in my mind, family was next to me and I didn't wanted get smacked for saying bad words. At the end Blue Jays won.

Even when I hated John Kruk and that Word Series, I liked Phillies team, mostly for their burgandy cap from 1990-91 with the "P" logo (f. 1970)
Some months back my boy Kicks told me his work place got some MLB snapbacks cap, so in his last visit Kicks got me a present, a Phillies burgandy snapback cap by New Era -fuuuck, he killed me. That one is one of the dopest caps I got, gonna be next to my SF Giant one -if you know the deal you'll understand.

This days I'm reading a novel from Arturo Perez-Reverte, "La Reina del Sur", in a sentence he said something I can twist and relate to friendship: "Dogs are loyal because them can't speak" -I know few people who could speak and tell...but them remain quiet, I know who are my dogs.

PS- Mitch Williams was a good dude.